Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog Post #2 - Safe Blogging

It is important to protect the safety of the students whenever using the internet. Between the book and the link I feel they have really covered the main safety concerns so I'm sorry if I sound a little repetitive, but here is my list of things to remember about safe blogging:
1) Do not share student's last name/address/pictures/other personal information
2) Obtain administrator and parent approval before using online sites
3) Always double check links beforehand to ensure students will be led to the correct sites
4) Tell students not to believe everything they read, show how to research blog author, find trustworthy sites to use with children.
5) As the teacher, check all comments before they can be posted and limit who can look at and respond to the blog.
6) If students are working on the blog at school, be sure to monitor what they are doing while on the computer.


  1. Heather,
    Yes, this assignment is in a way repetitive, but the ideas was to choose those tips that you thought were most important. You have done this nicely.
    Dr. Burgos

  2. Im going to try to post on here once again. I think I said something previously about not having thought much about blogging safety prior to this class, but now looking at it more detailed does bring up some issues. In the future I will definitely take more time with what Im posting.
